Friday, May 1, 2020

A New Home and COVID Takeover

**Fair warning - this post has been queued since March - sooooo..... oops!**

Let me start by saying that we loved our apartment here in Vegas. Yes, past tense. We loved the location, the neighborhood, the space, the staff at the complex - everything. Until... the people upstairs moved in. It became a nightmare.

So, ahead of our planned schedule - we have rented a house! It's huge, and wonderful, and I regret nothing about having to pay to term the apartment lease early. It has a backyard, and a lemon tree, and double ovens in the kitchen, and I am absolutely in love with it.

Dad came to help us move - which was amazing because it would NOT have gone as smoothly nor had been as fun without him here to help. He was here for 8 days and not only did he help us move, he also got (not one, but) TWO tattoos while he was here. He went from zero to two in the matter of one weekend. It was pretty cool to be there with him while it was being done - and he seems elated with his choices, so overall I think it was a great trip for him. Bella also loved getting minimum three walks a day, of course.

Also, I have officially joined the local Search and Rescue team, and have been going to training classes at least twice per week (usually more) to try and get all of my requirements for the SAR Tech II test in May.

So, needless to say it has been an exciting few months!

I've been using the 5 year journal that my Mom got me for Christmas, so I'm practicing my journaling. I tend to just write about my day and what I did instead of my thoughts or anything like that, so that might be interesting to try and see where it goes.

Wow, I really thought that I had published this. OOPS!

So it's been a bit since I was supposed to post this, and COVID has taken over the planet. We're all at home, doing nothing, and creativity has left me for a few weeks. It's back a bit today, so I wrote a post this morning that I'll post on Tuesday, for Michael. It just kindof came out of me - so that was interesting.

The house is amazing, we are SO HAPPY that we're not stuck at home with people above us, and Bella loves it here, thankfully. Mostly the upstairs, but she still loves it.

Due to COVID, my SAR Tech II test is not happening tomorrow, and likely won't be until the Fall. So besides that, it's been just hanging out and playing Animal Crossing (which as taken over our lives in the best way).

I'll try to write more for here, and as always questions or suggestions of topics to cover would be welcomed with open (virtual or 6 feet apart) arms!

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